Scientific Program

Conference Series Ltd invites all the participants across the globe to attend 15th International Conference on Dermatology and Cosmetic Medicine London, UK.

Day 1 :


Mutual category sex can worth to reduce anxiety between them for the path a better future is less painful as losing a human. According to a study, men sometimes act less interested in sex, in order to get it. A recent study has established what women have been wondering for a while now. Men sometimes act less interested in sex, in order to get it, the findings suggest. When heterosexuals have casual sex, previous research same author indicates it is typically the woman who sets the boundaries. If she's not interested, usually nothing will happen. When men and women in the study met, about half of the men said they were interested in having sex with the woman, whereas most women were uninterested initially. So the women in the study basically have little interest in having casual sex at first unless they find the man really attractive and strong. But evidently, a man who gave the impression of wanting to have sex with anyone, anytime, was not what most women were looking for. That could be why men acted way less interested in sex than they really were. Men who are overly eager do not come across as attractive.



Dr Rahul Hajare was fortunate enough to be recognized for hard work with scholarships from India Council of Medical Research Ministry of Health Research New Delhi scholarship including a centenary post doc National AIDS Research Institute Pune that is presented by Respected Dr. R.S.Paranjape, Immunologist and World Renowned Scientist., Retired Director & Scientist ‘G’ National AIDS Research Institute Pune. His initial journey was a quest to heal with a different kind of highly education and did a sponsorship at the Ana Laboratory in Mumbai. After completing his training, he was privileged to practice in KLE College of Pharmacy Bangalore as a board certified Secretary KLE society Belgavi, .he was work to formerly reputed Pune University and services to be recognized by special Investigation team (SIT) for work in education.



Priyanka Sharma has her expertise in the field of clinical dermatology and cosmetology with a focus and special interest in the field of dermatomycology


Background: Dermatophytosis represents one of the most common dermatological diseases affecting 20-25% of the world’s population, with a rapid upsurge in atypical cases with bizarre clinical as well as therapeutic behaviour in the recent years worldwide. The conventional treatment guidelines seem to fail tremendously in the management of these infections and current treatment approach is largely subjective and experience based.

Objective: To evaluate the efficacy and safety of oral terbinafine and itraconazole combination therapy in the management of dermatophytosis.

Methods: Clinically diagnosed and KOH positive patients of tinea corporis/cruris/faciei were randomly divided into three groups and given terbinafine 250 mg, itraconazole 200 mg and a combination of both once daily taken on the same day respectively for 3 weeks. Partial responders at the end of the therapy were given same treatment for additional 3 weeks. Clinical parameters namely itching, erythema, and scaling were evaluated at baseline, 3, 6 and 9 weeks. Adverse effects were noted at the end of therapy.

Results: Maximum clinical and mycological cure was achieved in group III (receiving combination therapy) (90%) followed by group II (receiving itraconazole) (50%) and group I (receiving terbinafine) (35%). The combination therapy of oral terbinafine and itraconazole was found to be as safe as monotherapy without any significant adverse effects.

Conclusions: The combination of systemic terbinafine and itraconazole therapy may be an effective and safe therapeutic strategy in the management of dermatophytosis.


Keynote Forum

Xu Qiannan

Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China.

Keynote: LA-Cer containing moisturizer maintained inverse psoriasis within long term of no recurrence: a case report

Time : 11:00-11:30


Im from Department of Dermatology, Rui Jin Hospital, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China.


Psoriasis is an inflammatory chronic skin disease. The most difficult part of treating psoriasis is stopping the relapse. Inverse psoriasis is a rare subtype of psoriasis and affects the skin folds such as the axillae, perianal skin, intergluteal cleft, inframammary, genital/inguinal, abdominal, and retroauricular folds. The unique appearing place of the lesion and the constantly recurrence of the disease lead the treatment complicated. The common treatment like tropical using of glucocorticoid could cause various side effects, e.g. fungi infection, in the skin folds. Other treatment like calcipotriene may lead stimuli on the skin folds which makes  some patients could not be tolerant to the long term use of it. In our case, we present a patient with inverse psoriasis treated with LA-Cer containing moisturizer after short term using calcipotriene and maintained a long term of no recurrence.


Keynote Forum

T Rana

director:Skin laser institute, Noida, India


Time : 11:30-11:55


Dr. T.A Rana is a Director of Skin Laser Centre (A Research institute) Noida and Senior Consultant Dermatologist at Shri Ram Hospital and Heart Institute Delhi and Goodwill Hospital Noida. Dr. T.A Rana is a Member of IMA (Indian Medical Association), IADVL (Indian Association of Dermatologist Venereologist Leprologist), IACLS (Indian Association of Cosmetic Laser surgeon) and AAD (American Academy of Dermatology).Member of ECAM(European college of aesthetic medicine) Member of ISDS(International society of dermatology surgeons)                                                                                   



Guideline for local anesthesia in use of injectable fillers in use of injectable fillers in perorbital region : - Historically aneashesia protocol constituted the pre-treatment part of the injecting regimen. Recently some physicians have started to combine anesthesia such as lido cain with injectable dermal fillers itself. The combined solution  of dermal fillers and anesthesia is administer together.

Nerve Blocks: - Nerve blocks total anesthesia to the area being treated by anesthetizing the main trunk of nerve.In tissue infiltration aneasthesia is injected just below the skin in the surrounding area that  is to be treated with dermal filler.

Physical Aids: - Physical aids include vibration icing and cooling  ( Zimmer Chiller ) provide a temporary aneasthetic condition so that the pain of injection is somewhat mitigated.

Environmental Aids: - Finally, environmental aspect can be modulated so that anxieties of the patient are lessened. These include listen music and talking softly ( talkesthesia ) with patient throughout the injection period.

Treatment Supplies For Dermal Fillers Injection: - protocols for pre treatment aneasthesia & dermal fillers. 27G 1 ¼ inch and ½ inch needles.30 G 1-inch or 27 G 1 ¼ inch or ½ inch needle for numbering. Non-latex-Gloves , Mirror ,4*4 or 3*3 gauze pads , Sharps container , camera for before and after photos , signed consent form , white eyeliner pencil for marking and alcohol pads for cleansing area.

Injection Technique For Facial Beauty :- The technique focus on trying to decipher objective parameters in creating a template to maximize each individual’s facial beauty. The technique offered is personal and as is evidence below not a unique concept. It in no way represents the best or sole method to non-surgically release the patient’s facial beauty potential.

Injection Techniques :- Kane’s Technique – After evaluation and marking of the tear through topical anesthetic ointment is applied to lower eyelids at least 30 minutes before the injection. After preparation of skin with alcohol a 30 or 32 gauge needle is inserted for injection . the skin of the lower lid is spread and held at some tension with non injection hands. the skin is inspected carefully for visible vessels before catching needle stick. The deepest portion of the middle tear trough is treated first the needle is threaded below the surface of the skin above orbicularis  oculi. The parallel threads of the filler are injected cephalad and caudal to the tear trough. At least the junction of the middle and lateral 3rd of the inferior of the rim. If the tear trough is deep the direction of the middle if change throughout the injection so taht the filler is applied to cross has fashion. Stuntman And Codner Technique – after the marking confirmed by the patient , HA in injected deep in the pre-periosteal plane, to reduce visibility of the product. The HA is palced beneath the insertion of the middle orbicularis muscle at the maxilla and continues laterally needle with care not to inject super facial. A variety of HA injection technique may be utilized depending on the indications including antigrade or retrograde. Liner threading , serial puncture , crosshatching ,  sub cutaneous and epi-periosteal. In tear through region inject along the inferior orbital rim in pre-periosteal plan and massage the area. The Kenneth and Samantha steinsapir technique. The goal was to place allquots of filler in the pre-periosteal tissues just inferior to the orbital rim. The bony orbital rim is free of signifiv=cant vascular structures from the base of the anterior lacrimal crest to the lateral canthal tendon. The filler was introduced by using a serial puncture technique. The orbital rim was digitally palpated and needle rotated so that the bevel was pararallel to the skin an advanced to flush on the periosteum.

Key Point For Tear Trough Injection :- Low – viscosity HA can be safely injected to correct tear trough deformity. High- viscosity HA and non-biodegradable agents should not be injected in the tear trough. Injection must be at a supra-periosteal level of the orbital rim under defect. One should be cautious around the infraorbital foramen. The HA filler should be gently massaged for even distribution strong massage should be avoided. Over correction should be avoided HA is hydrophilic and may cause a swelling due to its properties of attraction water. There is a study which shows that HA can also cause stimulation of de novo production of collagen. Hence it is best to under correction the tear trough area to prevent bulges under the eye. A touch can always be done if necessary when the patient comes for a follow up.

Post Procedure Care :- Face down sleeping should be avoided. Refrain from strenuous activite for one or two days. Apply ice periodically for 24 hrs to 48 hrs. If any correction for touch up, call after one week. If any plane lumpiness in treated area , give the finger massage itself.

Conclusions :- Tear trough deformity can be corrected with an HA filler. It is less invasive and there may be minimal downtime due to swelling and bruising. The volume injected varies from patient to patient and over correction should be avoided. Better results will be achieved if the patient is reassessed in two or four weeks and then additional treatment is performed to achieve complete correction. Care should be taken to avoid injection through the orbital septum , to avoid accentuating pseudoherniation

Keynote Forum

Chamurlieva M.N

V.A. Nasonova Research Institute of Rheumatology, Moscow

Keynote: The prevalence of nail involvement in patients with severe plaque psoriasis and its associated with psoriatic arthritis

Time : 12:00-12:30


Chamurlieva MN,Osteoarticular Injury in Psoriatic Patients According to the Data of PEST (Psoriasis Epidemiology Screening Tool) Questionnaire and Rheumatological Clinicoinstrumental Examination. Rheumatology Science and Practice.


Background: Nail psoriasis is a risk factors of psoriatic arthritis (PsA) and might negatively impacts on quality of life. The therapy of nail psoriasis remains a difficult problem in a real dermatological practice.

Objective: to study the prevalence of nail involvement in patients with severe plaque psoriasis and its associated with PsA.

Methods: 99 unselected patients (male-23/female-76) with severe plaque psoriasis, mean age 45.82±14.04 years, BSA 56.35±9.11%, PASI 22.50±5.13 were included. PsA was diagnosed by the CASPAR criteria (ClASsification criteria for Psoriatic Arthritis). Nail Psoriasis Severity Index (NAPSI, 0-32) was performed. The number of patients with NAPSI=0/NAPSI>0 and PsA were calculated. All patients were treated with different synthetic DMARDs, mostly Methotrexate subcutaneous 15-20 mg/week, different biological DMARDs according to the national guidelines. M±σ, %, Pirson chi², likelihood chi² were calculated. All p<0.05 were considered to indicate statistical significance.

Results: 20 out of 99 patients (20.2%) had PsA. In whole group mean NAPSI was 13.95±19.77. Nail involvement was found in 42 out of 99 patients (42.4%). PsA is found in a significantly larger number of patients with nail psoriasis compare to patients without nail involvement – in 13 out of 42 patients (31%) and in 7 out of 57 patients (12.3%) accordingly. Significant associated between nail psoriasis severity by NAPSI and PsA were found (p=0.022 for all).

Conclusion: In real clinical practice psoriasis patients cohort about half of them have nail psoriasis despite of different type of therapy. Severity of nail psoriasis is associated with PsA. It should be taken in account for PsA screening and making right therapy design in daily dermatological practice.


Doctor WooKoung Lee has been since 2010 as a dermatologic surgeon. He has been a active lecturer or participant at a lot of international conferences. He has performed hair transplantation by means of FUE or FUT for about 1,500patients during last 8years and most of them were satisfied with the their results


FUE has many advantages but definitely have disadvantages as well. One of them include potential for high follicle transection rate. There is a difference in angle between hair and follicle. We want to use ultrasound as a way to overcome the difference. In addition, we will present a method to make the FUE more easily using our senso

Keynote Forum

Pei Swam Ng

University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur.

Keynote: Groups Assessment of the Efficacy of Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) for Facial Rejuvenation in Different Age

Time : 13:00-13:30


Dr. Pei Swam Ng, as a proud dean list graduate of Bachelor of medicine and Bachelor of Medicine (MBBS) from University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur. She obtained the Medical Asethetic Certificate (MAC) and she was also trained locally and abroad. She is an expert in anti-aging solution and main area of interests are regenerative medicine (stem cell, PRP and bioidentical hormone therapy) and facial injectables



PRP is a cutting-edge form of regenerative medicine that has widely used for aesthetic medicine. Despite increasing in popularity, there is still lacking of evidence support due to the lack of consistent method in application.


To assess the clinical efficacy and patient satisfaction of a 3-months PRP treatment regime for facial rejuvenation in different age group patients.


51 patients ranging from 20 to 59 years of age were recruited for this study. They were divided into two groups according to their age: Group A (20-39 years of age) included 20 patients and Group B (40-59 years of age) included 31 patients. Written consent was taken. All patients received total six sessions of PRP treatment at 2-week interval. Nine mililitre of PRP were injected into 8 standardized points. Assessment was carried out using Severity Rating Scale (WSRS) and Global Aesthetic Improvement Scale (GAIS). Patients were followed up for 6 months.


15 of 20 patients from Group A while 20 of 31 patients from Group B showed significant improvement in both WSRS and GAIS assessment. Group A patients resulted higher satisfaction level in their appearance. Safety profile of PRP treatment was excellent with minimal downtime.


3-months PRP treatment regime is effective and safe for facial rejuvenation resulting high satisfaction level on both age group patients. This treatment regime could be considered as an effective procedure for skin maintenance.


Keynote Forum

Hasibur Rahman

Professor & Head of the Department of Dermatology

Keynote: Role of Itraconazole Pulse therapy with adjuvant Isotretinoin daily in treating recurrent and recalcitrant Dermatophytosis

Time : 15:15-15:40


Professor & Head of the Department of Dermatology & Venereology, Community Based Medical College Bangladesh—MymensinghConsultant – Apollo Hospitals Dhaka


Introduction- Dermatophytosis are the most common skin diseases affecting millions of people of Bangladesh. Increased number of recurrent and recalcitrant dermatophytosis are now-a-days an emerging public health problem in our daily practice. In the absence of susceptibility tests and studies, it is difficult to comment whether these recurrences represent true resistance to common antifungals or are due to other reasons.

Objectives- This is a prospective randomized single blind study to assess the effectiveness of oral monthly Pulse dose of Itraconazole with daily low dose of isotretinoin in the treatment of recurrent and recalcitrant superficial dermatophytosis

Methods- Total 40 patients of KOH positive and previously treated by antifungals were included in this study. All the patients were received the same antifungal Itraconazole 200mg twice daily for 7 days in each month for 3 months with additional adjuvant daily dose of 20mg isotretinoin for the same duration. The patients were followed up at 2, 3 and 6 months from baseline for signs of relapse.

Results- Clinical cure and mycological cure from baseline were very promising and significant.

Conclusion- Itraconazole Pulse therapy with adjuvant Isotretinoin daily can be an effective in treating relapsing & recalcitrant superficial dermatophytosis


Iam from College of Medicine, Howard University


Drivel changes are very predominant in acquired ailments. Readthrough medications could give a helpful choice to any infection brought about by this sort of change. Geneticin (G418) and gentamicin were among the first to be portrayed. Novel mixes have been produced, however just a couple have demonstrated improved outcomes. PTC124 is the main compound to have arrived at clinical preliminaries. Here we originally examined the readthrough impacts of gentamicin on fibroblasts from one patient with Sanfilippo B, one with Sanfilippo C, and one with Maroteaux-Lamy. We found that ARSB action (Maroteaux-Lamy case) brought about an expansion of 2–3 folds and that the measure of this compound inside the lysosomes was likewise expanded, after treatment. Since the other two cases (Sanfilippo B and Sanfilippo C) didn't react to gentamicin, the medicines were reached out with the utilization of geneticin and five non-aminoglycoside (PTC124, RTC13, RTC14, BZ6 and BZ16) readthrough mixes (RTCs). No recuperation was seen at the catalyst movement level. Nonetheless, mRNA recuperation was seen in the two cases, almost a two-crease increment for Sanfilippo B fibroblasts with G418 and around 1.5 overlap increment for Sanfilippo C cells with RTC14 and PTC124. Thereafter, a portion of the items were evaluated through in vitro examinations for seven transformations in qualities liable for those maladies and, additionally, for Niemann-Pick A/B. Utilizing the coupled record/interpretation framework (TNT), the best outcomes were gotten for SMPD1 transformations with G418, arriving at a 35% recuperation at 0.25 μg/ml, for the p.W168X change. The utilization of COS cells transfected with freak cDNAs gave positive outcomes for the vast majority of the transformations with a portion of the medications, in spite of the fact that to an alternate degree. The higher catalyst action recuperation, of around two-crease increment, was found for gentamicin on the ARSB p.W146X change. Our outcomes are promising and predictable with those of different gatherings. Further investigations of novel mixes are important to discover those with more predictable viability and less poisonous impacts



  • Skin cancer | Urticaria and Angioedema | Acne and rosacea | Autoimmune and systemic diseases | Pediatric dermatology | Surgical and cosmetic dermatology
Location: Webinar